today i went into town and bought kylie, the older daughter of the kids i babysit, a birthday present at target. crazy thing is; while i was looking at father's day cards i hear my name which is completely unexpected considering i'm all the way in orlando, florida and don't know many people. & what do you know...kylie, hannah and their mom walk up and start talking. all the while, kylie's birthday present is sitting right inside my cart. perfect timing. :p she loves doing crafts and drawing so i bought her a bunch of arts & crafts stuff along with a box to keep everything in that i need to decorate before tuesday. while there i also bought 'he's just not that into you' which i saw in the theaters with laurie and absolutely love. also bought my dad a father's day card and a $50 gift card to his favorite restaurant...outback.
once i finished shopping i came back to the house and stopped by the lake to watch my little cousins do some fishing in the flooding lake in our neighborhood. we're getting pretty ticked off about all this rain because they have the boat ramp closed because they don't have floating docks and are afraid that people are going to run into them with their boats. also, it's near impossible to launch your boat from the ramp because of how high the water is. sad thing is...we're in hurricane season which just means bring on more and more rain. :/
tonight i've just been chillin around the house with the aunts and i played rockband for an hour or two and since then i've been downloading music. [[one of my favorite things to do]] decided to watch 'titanic' towards the middle of it...and now 'enough' is on, almost over it's been quite a movie night. which was definitely needed to get my mind off of things. :)
i'm probably gonna head to bed pretty soon depending upon what movie comes on next on the wonderful TNT. lol the family is talking about going to seaworld when everyone gets up and then possibly the beach on monday so i might as well get some rest. until next time...

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