Saturday, June 20, 2009


Had an amazing weekend...friday was out on the boat wakeboarding, saturday went out boarding and jetskiing then fish/shrimp boil later that night, then out to lake today and pool. Now i'm just having to recooperate from the long exhausting weekend. Don't really have much to say about the past few days mainly because i really can't remember everything cuz of how tired i am but i'm sure i'll remember once i get a good amount of sleep and include it on my next post. [[sorry beebs]] lol

~earlier today i was listening to music while driving [[as always]] and i came to the realization that most of the good love/sad songs are written and sung by guys. well where the hell can i find a guy that would never think to leave me and love me so much to write a song about me or go back to the corner where we met and wait for me there because i would know thats where to find him. they're always talking about the girl they fell for leaving them and walking away...well that girl was obviously dumb and didn't know what she was leaving. why can't i find a guy like that...


((i'll post a few songs a little later laziness went away so i need to finally get up and head over to kaycee's before my laziness comes back and i'm stuck on the computer for another hour)) ;)

1 comment:

  1. nice observation/realization. :)
    so right.
    i love you oh so much sister JKNIGHT!
